Careers – Needmore Coffee
Our team members love coffee. They also value kindness, courtesy, and hospitality. We’re always on the lookout for more baristas, roasters, and bakers. Want to grow with the rest of our Needmore Coffee team?
- Available for part-time or full-time employment with a 1+ year commitment
- Dependable and hard working
- Curious
- Enthusiastic to learn about the craft of coffee from bean to cup
- Able to contribute to a team
- Provide resume and references
- Barista or foodservice experience a plus
Interested applicants should submit resumes with cover letter, references, and availability via email to: c a r e e r s a t n e e d m o r e r o a s t e r s d o t c o m.
We are currently hiring for the following positions:
– Baristas [part-time, thursdays & weekends a must]
– Coffee Roaster