Cowles Bog Blend

Cowles Bog Blend
Certified Organic & Fair Trade Certified™ Blend
Tasting notes
Medium body, mild acidity, roasty, baker’s chocolate and toasted hazelnut.
Blend – dark roast, medium roast, light roast
Mexico & Honduras
Processing Method
Fully washed
The Story
A lovely blend named in celebration of Cowles Bog, a wetland in the Indiana Dunes National Park which hosts wonderfully diverse plant populations. Five miles of hiking trails give visitors a view of interdunal ponds, marshes, forested dunes, black oak savanna, stand of northern white cedars, and a pristine beach. This area was named in honor of Dr. Henry Cowles, a professor at the University of Chicago whose studies of plant succession among the Indiana Dunes helped develop ecology as a science and brought international attention to the area which led to efforts to preserve the Indiana Dunes. This blend celebrates both a father of ecology and the wonderful wetlands that bear his name.